

Liv-ex 100 指數 1月下跌 0.22%, 羅曼康帝 Tache 2015 年漲價最多

來自英國交易數據的權威數據, 1月份的優質葡萄酒市場相對平靜,這可從Liv-ex優質葡萄酒100指數的水平反映。該指數1月收於301.88點,較12月微跌0.22%。


波爾多葡萄種植者、釀酒師兼作家Gavin Quinney表示,波爾多2020年 “是一個變幻莫測但非常好的年份。對許多波爾多酒莊的葡萄酒潛力優秀”。

Parker’s "Magical 20" in 2020

Nine years ago, Robert Parker unveiled the twenty Bordeaux wines he would be tasting at Winefuture in Hong Kong. Dubbed “The Magical 20”, these wines, as described by Parker were from “estates that produce wines of first growth quality, although not technically first growths”. For him, these were consequently “under-valued and very smart acquisitions”.

波爾多2018年: 價格升跌最大葡萄酒, 拉菲漲價最多

波爾多名莊聯合會Union Des Grand Crus De Bordeaux於今明兩天在倫敦舉行年度品嚐會,展示他們的2018年份葡萄酒。

Bordeaux 2018: risers and fallers

The Union Des Grand Crus De Bordeaux are holding their annual tasting today and tomorrow in London, presenting the wines of the 2018 vintage.

Buying demand: Asia in focus

Bordeaux, a region with a strong following globally but particularly amongst Chinese buyers, continues to dominate – Lafite Rothschild and Mouton Rothschild remain firm favourites. But as the market has continued to diversify, wine merchants in Asia have been increasingly embracing wines from Italy, Champagne, and the Rest of the World (which hit a record market share in August this year), with Sassicaia, Opus One and Cristal making an appearance in the top twenty.

品牌焦點: 作品一號 Opus One


What influences the price of wine?

There is a long list of factors that influence the price of wine and, in some cases, make it investment-worthy: current market strength, the region, the popularity of the producer, critic scores, the general appeal of the vintage, scarcity, age, history, branding and more...

Report extract: An outlook for Bordeaux 2019

Bordeaux’s pricing of new releases has historically shown little correlation to the movements of the physical market. Release prices have instead been influenced by quality and quantity considerations and the critical view.

COVID-19 期間 fine wine 市場分析


Leflaive 在白葡萄酒交易市場中表現出眾

在二手市場上,勒弗萊Leflaive葡萄酒佔了勃艮第白葡萄酒很大部分的交易。 2009年,雖然勃艮第白葡萄酒僅佔總交易1.2%,但當中勒弗萊卻佔了一半以上。本年至今,勃艮第白葡萄酒佔總交易已增至4.3%;當中勒弗萊也佔近三分之一。

Top 5 wine trends to know for collectors

Bordeaux remains the cornerstone of the world of fine wine, but if your cellar is no longer packed full of Bordeaux, you’re not alone.

Italian Wines at the time of COVID-19

The impact of the Coronavirus on the world economy and finance can also be seen strong in the Liv-Ex indexes, which accelerate a downward race already seen throughout 2019 and in the first weeks of this unlucky 2020.




人們已把Covid-19造成的金融動盪與2008-2009年的全球金融危機相提並論。然而,在之前的危機中,雖然葡萄酒價格下跌,但行業業務如常,活動日程和分銷渠道均未受干擾。相比之下, 在過去一個月,如Prowien和Vinitaly等主要酒展均先後取消;快將舉行的UGC波爾多最新2019年份品嚐會最後也於上周宣布取消。

羅曼康帝 DRC: Neal Martin 對2017年份的評價

勃艮第2017年份產量足和質量高,令葡萄種植者十分興奮。該年份在勃艮第市場的高峰期發布,當時該酒區的價格達歷史新高。勃艮第最具標誌性的品牌羅曼康帝Domaine de la Romanée-Conti也不例外。 週三,Neal Martin 在倫敦的Corney & Barrow活動上發佈在瓶羅曼康帝2017年的品酒筆記;讓他能把“ 同葡萄、同生產商和同方法”的葡萄園來一起進行比較。 Martin說,客觀判斷並不容易,但“如我不把最新的發佈如以前年份一樣來進行比較,將可能對那些因不被稱為羅曼康帝的生產商不利,那是不負責任的做法。 ”


在4月的第一個星期,隨著更多交易轉為在線和,在Liv-ex發售的優質葡萄酒總值首次高達5000萬英鎊。 在冠狀病毒下,現在更多酒商遙距工作,商店、而飯店和旅館等傳統渠道也已關閉,這令Liv-ex平台上的交易更加活躍。隨著提供選擇的葡萄酒類型不斷擴大,活躍市場(有出價或競價的葡萄酒(LWIN11))數量也已突破了15,500款!

Liv-ex 1000 指數3月下跌1.35%,意大利100表現最佳

3月份,Liv-ex 1000下跌了1.35%。自2019年10月美國對大多歐洲葡萄酒徵收25%關稅後,該指數便一直下跌。

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