StockVins Announces Collaboration with SenseTime and Launch of AI Solution for Wine Management

StockVins is proud to announce its collaboration with SenseTime (0020.HK), a leading AI software company. This strategic partnership brings together StockVins' deep expertise in the wine industry and SenseTime's cutting-edge AI algorithm capabilities to revolutionize the way we experience and manage wine.

StockVins Announces Collaboration with SenseTime and Launch of AI Solution for Wine Management

The partnership agreement is signed by Mr Guobei ZHANG – VP ofSenseTime (Right) and Mr Kelcy KWOK – CEO of StockVins (Left).  

StockVins is proud to announce itscollaboration with SenseTime (0020.HK), a leading AI softwarecompany. This strategic partnership brings together StockVins' deep expertisein the wine industry and SenseTime's cutting-edge AI algorithm capabilities torevolutionize the way we experience and manage wine.

As part of this collaboration, StockVinsand SenseTime will jointly develop the world's first-ever "SenseCellar," an AI powered smart cellar with automatic inventory managementsystem.  This innovative technology,backed by patented technology owned by StockVins, provides wine enthusiastswith state-of-the-art automated solution for storing and managing their winecollections.

“Sense Cellar” is expected to make itsfirst debut in the world’s first-ever AI Cellar and Wine Club at the heart ofHong Kong in Fall 2024.  This exclusiveclub is dedicated to wine enthusiasts who appreciate the finer aspects of wine,dining, and lifestyle. Members will have access to a curated selection ofpremium wines, exclusive wine experiences, priority invitation to in-house wineauctions, lifestyle events and educational workshops and will have firsthandencounter with the showcased AI technology.

StockVins has also signed severalMemorandums of Understanding (MOUs) in the retail and food & beverage(F&B) sectors to explore AI technology that will enable them to enhancetheir operational efficiency. These partnerships allow StockVins to expand itspresence in the market and offer innovative solutions to enhance customers’ winedrinking and trading experience.

StockVins' collaboration with SenseTime andthe introduction of the Sense Cellar reaffirm the company's commitment todriving digital transformation in the wine industry. By combining advanced AItechnology with a passion for wine, StockVins aims to elevate the wine encounterexperience for connoisseurs worldwide and transform the way they interact withwine.

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