The Union Des Grand Crus De Bordeaux are holding their annual tasting today and tomorrow in London, presenting the wines of the 2018 vintage.
據倫敦國際葡萄酒交易(Liv-ex)報導,按價值計算,拉菲(Lafite Rothschild)和木桐(Mouton Rothschild)今年迄今為止仍是亞洲市場最受歡迎的精品葡萄酒。近年來,精品葡萄酒市場一般都會在中秋節前夕從亞洲(主要是中國內地和香港)市場獲得一些推動。今年的中秋節將在10月1日到來。儘管亞洲是首個實施和結束新冠疫情封城令的地區,但該地區對精品葡萄酒的需求卻一直穩定。就交易數量而言,今年迄今為止在亞洲買家購物清單中排名最高的是勃艮第白葡萄酒、教皇新堡(Châteauneuf-du-Pape)和蒙塔奇諾布魯諾(Brunello di Montalcino)葡萄酒。按價值計算,在前20大暢銷酒款榜單中雖然有來自意大利、美國和香檳的新上榜者,但仍以波爾多酒為主導,尤其拉菲和木桐。較老的適飲年份酒款尤其受歡迎,在中國內地和香港,銷售十分活躍。
There is a long list of factors that influence the price of wine and, in some cases, make it investment-worthy: current market strength, the region, the popularity of the producer, critic scores, the general appeal of the vintage, scarcity, age, history, branding and more...